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Support Slavic and East European Studies at OSU

The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures strives every day to ensure we attract and educate the finest students from around the world - but we can't do that alone.

Your financial generosity allows us to continuously improve the quality of our programs and the student experience, provide valuable scholarship assistance to superior students, educate the broader community about Slavic and East European cultures, attract and retain top faculty, and enhance teaching and research. Every dollar helps.

Our active endowment funds are listed below. Click on the link under a fund's description to be taken to OSU's easy and secure online donation form (with payment by credit card). Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you prefer to send a check, see osu.edu/giving. Include the name and number of your chosen fund on the "other" line in the section marked as "Designation(s) to The Ohio State Fund for".

For more information about the mission of the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, and how you can help, please contact the department.  If you are interested in endowing a new fund or otherwise want to make an extraordinary gift, please contact Emily Alonso-Taub (Senior Director of Development for Arts and Sciences): 614-292-3487 or alonso-taub.1@osu.edu.

Slavic Discretionary Fund

Fund number: 307852 | Give to this fund

The Discretionary fund enriches all aspects of the department's mission. Donations are used to send faculty and students to conferences; invite scholars to give lectures at OSU; recognize and promote excellence in teaching, research, and service; enhance the student experience through extracurricular cultural events; and other such activities.

Dr. Miriam G. Schwartz Slavic Fund

Fund number: 666501 | Give to this fund

Established April 4, 2008, with gifts from Dr. Miriam G. Schwartz through the Miriam & Stanley Schwartz Jr. Philanthropic Foundation; used to provide merit-based scholarship support for undergraduate students who have declared a major in Russian language, literature, culture, or linguistics. 

Francis M. Buzek Award Fund

Fund number: 313370 I Give to this fund

The Buzek fund provides a financial award to a junior majoring in Russian or Slavic Studies, with preference going to ROTC members. The award was initiated by Associate Professor Emeritus George Kalbouss in memory of one of his favorite students during his tenure in the Slavic Department at Ohio State. The student who receives this award does not need to be one with the highest grades, but is the one who energizes her/his instructors' teaching, and helps coalesce the class in such a way that the students teach each other.

Hongor Oulanoff Memorial Lecture Fund

Fund number: 645560 | Give to this fund

The Oulanoff fund is used to promote better understanding of classical and contemporary Russian literature by bringing a distinguished scholar to campus each year to deliver a lecture.

Kalbouss Russian Culture Fund

Fund number: 603529 | Give to this fund

The Kalbouss fund supports outreach and educational activities about Slavic and East European cultures, especially in the state of Ohio, including the Kalbouss Innovative Approaches to Slavic Cultural Studies Lecture.

Kenneth E. Naylor Professorship Fund

Fund number: 645125 | Give to this fund

The Naylor fund supports the work of the Kenneth E. Naylor Professor of South Slavic Linguistics, a distinguished teacher, researcher, and scholar in South Slavic studies. The Naylor Professorship is currently held by Prof. Brian Joseph.Find more information about the Naylor Professorship.

Luczkowski-Habash Fund for Polish Studies

Fund number: 644355 | Give to this fund

Established August 28, 2015, with gifts from Stephen Habash (BA 1974, JD 1978) and Jean Luczkowski (JD 1978); used for undergraduate and graduate scholarships and funding for study abroad experiences in the field of Polish Studies.

Melanie and Philippe Radley Endowed Scholarship Fund

Fund number: 645966 | Give to this fund

The Radley fund provides merit-based scholarship support to outstanding undergraduate students who are majoring in Russian.

Paissiy Endowed Fund in Bulgarian Language, Literature, and Culture

Fund number: 605608 | Give to this fund

The Paissiy fund gives students the ability to experience East European culture through short term study abroad grants.

Polish Support Fund

Fund number: 301905 | Give to this fund

The Polish Support Fund enhances the Polish program at OSU by providing funds for Polish Club and other extracurricular activities.

Talvi Endowment Fund

Fund number: 607106 | Give to this fund

The Talvi fund awards grants to undergraduate and graduate students for research, service and teaching activities related to Slavic and East European languages, linguistics, literatures, and cultures.

Uprka-Laga-Schweitzer Fund in Czech Studies

Fund number: 667465 | Give to this fund

The Uprka-Laga-Schweitzer fund is used to defray the cost of tuition and other program expenses for undergraduate and graduate students studying Czech language and/or Czech culture.