Dr. Angela Brintlinger
Dr. Brintlinger served as the PI for the project Serbian Educational Alliance (SEA), a $300,000 two-year grant from the Embassy of the United States to Serbia to build connections and collaborations with University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Science and Center for U.S. Studies (1/2020-12/2021)
Public Talks:
“Kvas Patriotism in Russia: Cultural Myths, Cultural Problems” [NYU Jordan Center, October 2019]
Talk and Reading, Russian Cuisine in Exile [The Museum of Russian Art, Minneapolis, MN, October 2019]
"Translating, Reading and Eating My Way through Russian Cuisine in Exile [Bryn Mawr College, November 2019]
“Standing in Line: Bodies in a Struggle with Soviet Scarcity” [Princeton Council of Humanities “Bodies of Knowledge” Seminar, March 2020]
V poiskakh "poleznogo proshlogo": Russkii biograficheskii roman 1920-x 30x godov (published with Academic Studies Press, 2020; translation into Russian of Writing a Usable Past: Russian Literary Culture, 1917-1937)
Seasoned Socialism: Gender and Food in Late Soviet Everyday Life, co-edited with Anastasia Lakhtikova and Irina Glushchenko. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 2019.
Dr. Andrei Cretu
"Learning the Ashby Box: An Experiment in Second Order Cybernetic Modeling", published in Kybernetes, Vol. 49 Issue 8.
Dr. Andrei Cretu served as a panelist at the plenary session of the 2020 Midwest Slavic conference (Sept 13, 2020), where he gave a talk titled "Russia Back to the Final Frontier: Reviving the Space Age in a Complex Globalized World".
He was also a panelist at the American Society for Cybernetics 2020 Global Conversation (Sept. 12-13, 2020). His presentation was titled "A System Theoretic View of Feedback Loops". A summary is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemlBCYkYG4
Dr. Philip Gleissner
Dr. Gleissner co-organized the Red Migrations Symposium: a series of seven online workshops, where an international group of scholars present their research on the theme of “Marxism and Mobility in the 20th Century.” A publication of the contributions in an edited volume, supported by a grant from the College of Arts and Sciences, is planned for 2021.
He also worked on the Quarantine Cookbook (together with Dr. Harry Kashdan in French and Italian), supported by the Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme COVID-19 Special Grants Initiative. The project includes the publication of an edited volume of critical and creative pieces addressing the intersection of migration and food during COVID-19 and an interactive digital project, The Quarantine Food Archive.
Dr. Helena Goscilo
Organizer and editor of the cluster “The Allure of Retro: Neoacademism after the Fall,” Russian Review, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2019): 183-271 (Part of the Introduction to the above cluster: 183-200)
“Maslov and Kuznetsov: Camping and Revamping Classical Scenarios” in the above cluster: 245-71
“Rusalka,” The Contemporary Russian Cinema Reader 2005-2016, ed. Rimgaila Salys (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2019). 89-113
“The Danish Little Mermaid vs. the Russian Rusalka: Screen Choices,” Hans Christian Andersen in Russia, eds. Mads Sohl Jessen and Marina Balina, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2019. 323-44.
“Yearning for a Soul: ‘The Little Mermaid’ in Graphics,” Hans Christian Andersen in Russia, eds. Mads Sohl Jessen and Marina Balina, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2019. 393-431.
“Between the Gangster and the Country Gentleman: Male Fashion during the Volatile 1990s,” “New Russian Masculinities,” Special Issue of Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion Vol. 6, Nos. 1 & 2 (2019): 37-58.
“Stacking National Identity: The Lucrative Legacy of the Matreshka,” “Abramtsevo and Its Legacies,” Special Issue of Experiment 25.1 (2019): 227-43
Interview about Putin and the political aspect of his masculinity. Requested by Julien NGUYỄN ĐĂNG & Alexandra LAGARDE, grad students in journalism at the Paris Institute of Journalism, SciencesPo École de journalisme, November 2019
Invited Talks
“Graphic Imperatives in Soviet Sport,” Slavic Dept. at U of Arizona, Tucson, March 2019
“Performing Presidency in Four Acts,” graduate seminar at U of Arizona, Tucson, March 2019
“The Matryoshka Doll as a Symbol of National Identity,” for Russian Club at the U of Hawaii at Manoa, March 2019
“Biography on the Body: Decoding Soviet Prison Tattoos” at Biography Studies, U of Hawaii at Manoa, March 2019
“Vladimir Putin, National Icon Extraordinaire” at LLEA, U of Hawaii at Manoa, April 2019
Dr. Yana Hashamova
“In Between and Beyond: Diaspora Writers and Readers.” Bulgarian Literature as World Literature. (Eds. Mihaela Harper and Dimitar Kambourov). London: Bloomsbury, 2020.
Dr. Hashamova received a grant from the Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme for a project comparing Russia’s COVID-19 mis-information campaigns with the ones surrounding the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 and their receptions. Dr. Hashamova is working with her collaborator and PhD advisee, Maryam Bainazar, on the project.
Dr. Andrea Sims
Parker, Jeff and Andrea D. Sims. 2020. Irregularity, paradigmatic layers, and the complexity of inflection class systems: A study of Russian nouns. In The complexities of morphology, edited by Peter Arkadiev and Francesco Gardani, 23-51. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sims, Andrea D. 2020. Inflectional networks: Graph-theoretic tools for inflectional typology. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 3: Article 10, 88-98.
King, David, Andrea D. Sims, and Micha Elsner. 2020. Interpreting sequence-to-sequence models for Russian inflectional morphology. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics3: Article 39, 402-411.
Elsner, Micha, Martha Booker Johnson, Stephanie Antetomaso, and Andrea D. Sims. 2020. Stop the morphological cycle, I want to get off: Modeling the development of fusion. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 3: Article 40, 412-422.
Elsner, Micha, Andrea D. Sims, Alexander Erdmann, Antonio Hernandez, Evan Jaffe, Lifeng Jin, Martha Booker Johnson, Shuan Karim, David L. King, Luana Lamberti Nunes, Byung-Doh Oh, Nathan Rasmussen, Cory Shain, Stephanie Antetomaso, Kendra Dickinson, Noah Diewald, Michelle McKenzie, and Symon Stevens-Guille. 2019. Modeling morphological learning, typology, and change: What can the neural sequence-to-sequence framework contribute? Journal of Language Modelling 7(1): 125-170.
Davidson, Kathryn, Annemarie Kocab, Andrea D. Sims and Laura Wagner. 2019. The relationship between verbal form and event structure in sign languages. Glossa 4(1), Article 123, 1-36.
Dr. Jennifer Suchland
“Postcoloniality in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia,” co-authored with Tatsiana Shchurko for The Routledge International Handbook to Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 2020.
“Locating Post-Soviet Postcoloniality in Global Coloniality: Or, the Precarity and Problematic of Postsocialism,” chapter for Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues: Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice, edited by Redi Kubak, Madina Tlostanova, and Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Routledge series Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality (2020).
Blog posts:
“Anti-trafficking, Policing, and State Violence”, written for the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women. 8 June 2020.
“White women, we have a very, very serious problem”, written for the Women’s Media Center News & Features. 1 June 2020.
2020-21 Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Scholars & Society fellowship.