Dr. Angela Brintlinger
- Appointed as interim departmental chair
- Appointed to a three-year board term: 2021-2024 Board Member, International Association for the Humanities (MAG)
- Articles published
- “Griboedov and Wittiness in the U.S.: Um, razum, zaum’” (in Russian), in Kul’tura i tekst, No. 3 (46) 2021, 115-121.
- “ ‘An Instrument in the Image of Woman’: Adrienne Rich and the Incarnation of Hatred” (in Russian), in Vsia nenavist’ mira: nasilie v literature i iskusstve (All the World’s Hatred: Violence in Literature and Art), ed. S. A. Vasil’eva, S. V. Denisenko, A.O. Demin, I.V. Moteiunaite, A. Iu. Sorochan (St. Petersburg and Moscow: Sam Poligrafist, 2021) 212-221.
- “Wards of the State: Russian Medical Fiction,” chapter for The Russian Medical Humanities: Past, Present, and Future, ed. Konstantin Starikov and Melissa L. Miller (Lexington Books, 2021) 137-160.
- “Veterans Remember the War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Fiction,” in The Memory of the Second World War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia, ed. David L. Hoffmann (Routledge Press, 2021) 133-154.
- “Introduction: Truth and Ambiguity on the Road to Tehran,” The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, translated by Anna Korkina Rush and Christopher Rush (Columbia University Press, 2021) vii-xxi.
Dr. Andrei Cretu
- Promoted to Senior Lecturer
Dr. Philip Gleissner
- Book publications
- Red Migrations: Marxism and Transnational Mobility after 1917. (edited volume, academic; with Bradley Gorski; under contract with Toronto University Press; forthcoming 2023)
- Lockdown in the Kitchen: American Immigrant Foodways in Times of Crisis. (edited volume, trade; with Harry Kashdan; under contract with Rutgers University Press; forthcoming 2022.)
- Articles published
- “‘Somehow, I Wasn’t Drawn into the Editorial Office of Novyi Mir’: Digital Approaches to the Literary Environment of Late Socialist Journals.” Russian Literature 122-123 (2021), pp. 163-191.
- Established The Quarantine Food Archive. It is a community archive of food memories from the pandemic. First launch in October 2020. Currently undergoing redesign process through a grant with the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design at Ohio State.
- Established Kvir_Izdat, a bibliographical archive of post-Soviet queer publishing. Started in March 2021.
- Invited talks
- University of British Columbia: “Queer Periodicals in Post-Soviet Russia: From Leningrad Underground to Transnational Publishing,” Sawchen Lecture at the University of British Columbia, Canada, March 2021. (Watch recording here.)
Dr. Helena Goscilo
- Book publications
- Polish Cinema Today: A Bold New Era in Film, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021 (co-authored with Beth Holmgren)
- Singing a Different Tune: The Slavic Film Musical, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2021
- Articles published
- “Three Degrees of Exemplary Boyhood in Boris Kustodiev’s Soviet Paradise” The Pedagogy of Images, eds. Marina Balina and Serguei Oushakine. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2021, 53-80
- “Tolstoy’s Breasts or the Mammary Offensive,” Tolstoi and the Evolution of His Artistic World, eds. Joe Andrew and Robert Reid, Brill, 2021, 69-83
- “Sexy Subversive Cyborgs: Metropolis (1926) and Ex Machina (2015),” Passages through Enclosures and the Spacetime Continuum in English and American Science Fiction, ed. Iren Boyarkina. Cambridge UP, 2021,111-28.
- “Syncretizing Gender: Binarism, Agency, and Sexuality in Crime and Punishment,” Approaches to Teaching Crime and Punishment, eds. Alexander Burry and Michael Katz. MLA, 2022
- “The Lure of Implied Transgression as Revolutionary Retrospective: The Illicit as la Belleza in Bella Matveeva’s Art,” Queer(ing) Russian Art: Realism, Revolution, Performance, eds. Brian Baer and Evgenii Fiks, Boston: Academic Studies Publishing, 2022
- “The Slavic connection in Luchino Visconti’s ‘German trilogy’: Dostoevskian demonism as German apocalypse in The Damned,” Journal of Italian Cinematic & Media Studies, 10.2, 2022
Dr. Yana Hashamova
- Grants and awards:
- Dr. Yana Hashamova and Dr. Caroline T. Clark (Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Ecology) received a $75,000 Racial Justice and Community Engagement grant from the Global Arts & Humanities Discovery Theme (2021-2023). For their project entitled “Fostering Racial Justice by Establishing a Critical Race Media Literacy Curriculum for the Metro Early College Middle and High School and Columbus City Schools: Teacher Professional Development and Student Learning,” they will partner with teachers from Metro Middle and High Early College Access School and Columbus City Schools to deepen understandings of racial stereotyping in transnational film and media through shared inquiry and will collaboratively develop critical race media literacy curricular modules aimed at middle and high school students.
- Audience and Reception pre- and post-COVID - Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme Special COVID-19 Grant Competition (co-PIs, Harmony Bench- Dance, Hannah Kosstrin – Dance, Danielle Scholl – NELC; $22,000), Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme, Focus on Audience, 2020-2021.
- Media
- „Русско-болгарские вертикали: Анна Терехова и Яна Хашимова о художественном фильме „Бегущая по волнам.“ (Russian-Bulgarian Verticals: Anna Terekhova and Yana Hashamova about the feature film “Running on Waves”), February 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMc8tBJs3uY
- Invited workshops and talks:
- “Bulgarian Literature as World Literature: as a Book and a Problem” – Symposium, Cultural Center at Sofia University “St. Kliment Okhridski,” Sofia, Bulgaria, May 28, 2021.
- “Screening Trafficking and its Prevention Effectiveness.” - 3 workshops in Burgas, Veliko Turnovo, and Ruse, Bulgaria, July 14-20, 2021.
- “Diaspora Women and Postsocialist Panic Anxieties,” Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, November 25, 2021.
- “Interculturalism vs. Multiculturalism – Workshop I,” Zoom- 13 participants from Brazil, Germany, Japan, Israel, Italy, Spain, and the UK, November 12, 2021.
- “Ideology and Viewers in East European Cinema: Course Design and Learning-centered Approach.” University of Belgrade, Serbia, March 4, 2021 (Zoom).
- “Women’s Agency in Balkan Films.” University of Pittsburgh, April 8, 2021 (Zoom).
Dr. Ludmila Isurin
- Publications:
- Isurin, L. (forthcoming, production stage). Reenacting the enemy: Collective memory construction in Russian and U.S. media. New York/ Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Isurin, L. (2021). “How nations remember:” Reflection on the intellectual power of James Wertsch’s scholarship. Istoricheskaja Expertiza (published in English and Russian) (invited contribution)
- Currently working on a new monograph, tentatively titled: Two nations and three wars: Memory of defeat in shaping collective future thought
- Invited talks:
- Isurin, L. (2021). Discussant at the conference “Global Russian Germans (Panel: Defining Germanness). Germany (virtual)
- Isurin, L. (2021). Media, memory and the mind. McDonnel Foundation: Collective Memory project, Wasington University, St. Louis (virtual)
- Isurin, L. (2021). Bilingualism: Gains, losses, and something in between. ISB13, Warsaw, Poland (virtual)
- Invited interview:
- May 2021. Voices of Excellence, The Ohio State University: https://soundcloud.com/voices_arts_sciences/ludmila-isurin
- Sept.9, 2021 The Moscow Times
Dr. Helen Myers
- Promoted to Assistant Professor of Teaching
Natalia Sletova
- “The relationship between writing and speaking in L2” was accepted for publication by Foreign Language Annals
- Received a Graduate School Alumni Grant for research next semester
- Will present “Hopes of contemporary Russia in Yuriy Bykov’s filmography” at the AATSEEL Conference in February