Dima Arzyutov
Special Issue:
- “Entangled Indigenous Historicities from the Eurasian North.” (guest editors: Dmitry Arzyutov and Karina Lukin) Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. 47(3) https://journal.fi/suomenantropologi/issue/view/10550
Journal article:
- “The Making of the Homo Polaris: Human Acclimatization to the Arctic Environment and Soviet Ideologies in Northern Medical Institutions.” Settler Colonial Studies https://doi.org/10.1080/2201473X.2023.2274673 (ahead of print)
Introduction, commentary, reflective essay:
- “Anti Anti-Polyphony and the Borders of Modern Russian Anthropology.” In Academia Across the Borders, edited by Ekaterina Melnikova and Zinaida Vasilyeva, 20–30. Fürstenberg/Havel: Kulturstiftung Sibirien, 2024. https://bolt-dev.dh-north.org/files/dhn-pdf/academia-w.pdf
- “Introduction to ‘Entangled Indigenous Historicities from the Eurasian North.’” Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 2023, 47 (3): 9–17 (together with Karina Lukin). https://doi.org/10.30676/jfas.129189.
- “Posle istorii antropologii [= After the History of Anthropology].” Ėtnograficheskoe obozrenie [= Ethnographic Review], 2023, no. 4: 121–24. [in Russian]
Angela Brintlinger
- “Construction of War and Memory in the Films of Sergei Loznitsa.” With Elizabeth McBean. In SOFT POWER OF THE BALKAN SCREENS (MEKA MOĆ EKRANA BALKANA), eds. Nevena Daković and Aleksandra Milovanović (Faculty of Dramatic Arts Institute for theatre, film, radio and television, Belgrade, 2022) 121-138;
- “Food and Patriotism in Russia from Domostroi to Viazemsky: The Case of Kvas,” in FRAME, Literary Perspectives on Food, No. 35.1 (June 2022) 19-45;
- “The Remarkable Pushkin,” chapter in Literary Biographies in “The Lives of Remarkable People” Series in Russia: Biography for the Masses, edited by Ludmilla A. Trigos and Carol Ueland (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2022) 45-67.
Alex Burry
New Book:
Approaches to Teaching Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, co-edited with Michael R. Katz (MLA Publications, March 2022)
- “Introduction,” Approaches to Teaching Crime and Punishment, ed. Michael R. Katz and Alexander Burry (MLA Publications, March 2022), 1-13
- “Context: Analysis of Specific Scenes,” with Michael R. Katz. Approaches to Teaching Crime and Punishment, ed. Michael R. Katz and Alexander Burry (MLA Publications, March 2022), 25-28
- “Teaching Crime and Punishment through Film Adaptation,” Approaches to Teaching Crime and Punishment, ed. Michael R. Katz and Alexander Burry (MLA Publications, March, 2022), 188-93
- “Film Adaptations,” Tolstoy in Context, ed. Anna Berman. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2022. 297-304.
Daniel Collins
Invited seminars and conference presentations:
- Почему «почемукают», а когда «когдакают»? SEELC Faculty Forum (February 2022)
- “Different Paths to Delocutivity in South Slavic,” International Ohio State – Ca’ Foscari Joint Workshop on South Slavic and Balkan Languages
- “Delocutivity-Motivated Semantic Changes in South Slavic,” Biannual Conference on Balkan Linguistics, April 2022.
Philip Gleissner
New Book:
- Lockdown in the Kitchen: American Immigrant Foodways in Times of Crisis (edited volume, trade; with Harry Kashdan; under contract with Rutgers University Press, 2023)
- Ohio State Arts and Humanities Course Release to complete book manuscript Soviet Circulations: A History of the Socialist Literary Journal (2022)
Yana Hashamova
Appointed Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor
New Book:
- Cultures of Mobility and Alterity: Crossing the Balkans and Beyond (co- edited with Oana Popescu Sandu and Sunnie Rucker-Chang), Liverpool: Liverpool University Press (2022).
Journal cluster:
- “The Politics of Race” (co-edited with A. Burry and S. Rucker-Chang) for Slavic and East European Journal (65.4, winter 2021/22).
- “Цензура, пропаганда и образование. Тенденции в Русия и САЩ“ (Censorship, Propaganda, and Education. Tendencies in Russia and the US), May 21, 2022; https://toest.bg/tsenzura-propaganda-i-obrazovanie/
- “Културната терапия на Путин,“ (Putin’s Cultural Therapy), April 7, 2022; https://toest.bg/kulturnata-terapiya-na-putin/
Film Consultant:
- The Scent of Linden, Bulgarian-US production, dir. Sissy Denkova, (post-production)
Ludmila Isurin
New Book:
“Reenacting the Enemy: Collective Memory Construction in Russian and US Media” (Oxford University Press)
Articles and Chapters:
“Relationship between written and spoken text recall in L2” (Foreign Language Annals); co-authored with her current Ph.D. student, Natalia Sletova:
"First language attrition in bilingual immigrants: Attitude, identity, and emotion." In: G. Schiewer, J. Altarriba, & BC. Ng (Eds.). Handbook on Language and Emotion. Berlin: De Gruyter; with her (now former) Ph.D. student Hope Wilson
Brian Joseph
Recent Award:
Honorary PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on May 18, 2022
After receiving his degree, Dr. Joseph gave a speech entitled “Η Ζωή μου με τα Ελληνικά και τα Ελληνικά στη Ζωή μου” ("My life with Greek and Greek in my life").
Alisa Ballard Lin
- Ohio State Arts and Humanities Course Release to complete book manuscript Theatrical Consciousness: The Actor’s Mind in Russian Modernism (2022)
Jennifer Suchland
Public Scholarship:
- Curated Exhibit:
- Beyond Guilt, exhibited at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center (Autumn 2022) and the Urban Arts Space (Spring 2023).
Special Issue:
- Anti-Trafficking Education, co-edited special issue with Annie Fukushima and Annie Hill, Anti-Trafficking Review, 2022, vol.17.
- “Anti-Trafficking Education: Sites of care, knowledge, and power,” co- authored editorial for special issue of Anti-Trafficking Review, 2022, 17: 1-18.
Research Funding:
- Arts & Sciences Associate Dean of Community Engagement funding in 2022 ($2K granted)
- Exhibition space at the Urban Arts Space Autumn 2022 (received)