Daniel Collins

Daniel Collins

Daniel Collins

Associate Professor


413 Hagerty Hall (office) & 400 Hagerty Hall (mailing)
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH

Google Map

Office Hours

Mondays 2:00PM–4:00PM and by appointment

Areas of Expertise

  • Old Church Slavonic
  • Old Russian (linguistics and literature)
  • East and West Slavic linguistics
  • Historical pragmatics


  • B.A. at University of Virginia, 1986
  • M.A. at University of California, Los Angeles, 1988
  • Ph.D. at University of California, Los Angeles, 1994
Reanimated Voices

Reanimated Voices: Speech Reporting in a Historical-Pragmatic Perspective, by Daniel E. Collins (John Benjamins, 2001)

Reanimated Voices addresses three activities: reporters evoking speech events; interpreters (re)constituting those speech events; and historical pragmaticians eavesdropping in time on the reporters and interpreters. Can one reconstruct aspects of pragmatic competence on the basis of written texts only? Reanimated Voices answers this in the affirmative. It offers a methodology for historical-pragmatic reconstruction to explain the synchronic patterns of variation in premodern writings. The book examines the distribution of reporting strategies in a corpus of medieval Russian texts. Forms preferred in specific recurring contexts are matched with the need(s) served by those contexts — a fit reflecting collective intentionality. Occasional “residual forms” -strategies that appear in contexts where others predominate- also reflect cooperative behavior; they index utterances departing from the prototype or unusual configurations of participants. Thus, Reanimated Voices explores reporting as an activity of rational agents coordinating interpretation in accordance with cultural and institutional notions of relevance.