The Slavic Linguistics Forum and the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures are pleased to announce the first annual DSEELC Linguistics Symposium. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Language Away from the Homeland.” It will take place on February 18, 2017, at the Ohio State University campus in Columbus, OH. It is often taken for granted that national boundaries delineate linguistic boundaries. However,
languages are not circumscribed by political borders. We therefore invite scholars working in contact linguistics, bilingualism, heritage language, immigrant language, sociolinguistics, dialectology, historical linguistics, second language acquisition, and related fields to submit abstracts pertaining to the study of language as spoken elsewhere than what is considered its traditional “homeland.”
Abstracts in the following fields are also welcome, provided they fall within the scope of the Symposium theme: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, conversation analysis, psycholinguistics and computational linguistics. We encourage scholars working in both formal and functional frameworks to participate in this event. Interdisciplinary projects from scholars in related fields such as anthropology, sociology, geography, psychology, history, and comparative studies are welcome, as far as they are related to the study of language away from the homeland. Undergraduates are also welcome to apply to the Symposium.
Each presentation will be allowed 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussion. Please send abstracts (maximum 500 words excluding references) to Ekaterina Kibler (kibler.76@osu.edu) by November 1, 2016. The abstracts should be anonymous. Please include your name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address in the body of the email. Accommodation with local graduate students will be available.
We are also very happy to announce that our keynote speaker will be Dr. Renee Perelmutter, Associate Professor of Slavic and Jewish Studies at the University of Kansas. Dr. Perelmutter’s research interests include Yiddish and Slavic morphosyntax and pragmatics, (im)politeness, identity construction, and women’s online discourse. Her current research focuses on Israeli Russian conflict discourse, code-switching, and language/prestige issues.
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers.
Ekaterina Kibler (kibler.76@osu.edu)
Katya Rouzina (rouzina.2@osu.edu)
Hope Wilson (wilson.3134@osu.edu)