Dr. Epp Annus Receives the 2021 Estonian National Research Award

February 26, 2021

Dr. Epp Annus Receives the 2021 Estonian National Research Award

Dr. Epp Annus

Dr. Epp Annus received the 2021 Estonian National Research Award in the field of the humanities “for development of a philosophical-methodological paradigm for Soviet postcolonial studies and for her research in Soviet societies and cultures” (”Sotskolonialismi filosoofilis-teoreetilise paradigma väljatöötamine, nõukogude ühiskondade ja kultuuride uuringud”). The award was given on the basis of Annus’s research over the 2017-2020 period; the awarded body of work includes her monograph Soviet Postcolonial Studies: A View for the Western Borderlands (Routledge, 2018) and its revised and extended translation Sotskolonialism Eesti NSVs: võim, kultuur, argielu (Tartu Univ P, 2019), two co-edited collections of articles, one co-edited collection of life-writing, and several articles on related topics, published in Estonian, Anglo-American, Russian, and German journals and edited volumes. Her work in these years was supported by a research grant funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.