Dr. Epp Annus Receives the 2021 Estonian National Research Award
Dr. Epp Annus received the 2021 Estonian National Research Award in the field of the humanities “for development of a philosophical-methodological paradigm for Soviet postcolonial studies and for her research in Soviet societies and cultures” (”Sotskolonialismi filosoofilis-teoreetilise paradigma väljatöötamine, nõukogude ühiskondade ja kultuuride uuringud”). The award was given on the basis of Annus’s research over the 2017-2020 period; the awarded body of work includes her monograph Soviet Postcolonial Studies: A View for the Western Borderlands (Routledge, 2018) and its revised and extended translation Sotskolonialism Eesti NSVs: võim, kultuur, argielu (Tartu Univ P, 2019), two co-edited collections of articles, one co-edited collection of life-writing, and several articles on related topics, published in Estonian, Anglo-American, Russian, and German journals and edited volumes. Her work in these years was supported by a research grant funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.