Helena Goscilo and Margaret Goscilo publish new book: Fade from Red

January 5, 2015

Helena Goscilo and Margaret Goscilo publish new book: Fade from Red

Fade from red: The Cold War ex-enemy in Russian and American film 1990-2005

Congratulations to SEELC Professor Helena Goscilo on the publication of her and Margaret Goscilo's new book, Fade from Red: The Cold-War Ex-Enemy in Russian and American Film, 1990-2005 (New Academia Publishing, 2014)!

Description from the publisher's website:

This study investigates the close correlation between politics and mainstream cinema vividly evidenced in Russian and American screen images of the former Cold War enemy from 1990 to 2005.  Whereas glasnost and the demise of the Soviet Union ushered in a period of official cooperation that soon inflated into rhetorical declarations of partnership, the fifteen years under examination saw the gradual deterioration of relations after the initial euphoria, culminating in a partial resumption of mutual Cold War recriminations.