New Courses Alert!

July 10, 2024

New Courses Alert!

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We have several exciting course offerings this Fall! Russian 2850 and Slavic 3800 are great courses that fulfill your GE requirements, while Slavic 4530 fulfills Russian and German major requirements!

Check out RUSSIAN 2850 with Dr. Suchland this fall, a brand new course!

RUSSIAN 2850: Other Russias
Times: WF 12:45-2:05 PM Mendenhall Lab 185
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Suchland
GE Themes: Foundation in Historical and Cultural Studies and Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity
You don’t know Russia until you learn about Other Russias – a course on gender, sexual, racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity in the largest country in the world. Fulfills both GEN Foundation in Historical and Cultural Studies and Race, Ethnicity & Gender Diversity

other russias

We have a returning GE course with Dr. Isurin this Fall!

SLAVIC 3800: Bilingualism: Life in Two Worlds
Times: TR 12:45-2:05, Hagerty Hall 145
Instructor: Dr. Ludmila Isurin
GE Themes: Migration, Mobility, and Immobility
The majority of the world population is becoming increasingly bilingual and bilingualism is viewed as the rule rather than the exception in the 21st century. This course explores the multifaceted aspects of a bilingual individual that more often than not happens to be an immigrant. Navigating multiple languages is examined as an aspect of migration, mobility, and immobility.


We have another new course coming this Fall. This course fulfills embedded (data analysis and technology) literacy requirement for the Russian or German major.

SLAVIC 4530: Hacking (Slavic) Literatures A Digital Humanities Course
Time: TR 2:20-3:40 PM, Derby Hall 048
Instructor: Dr. Philip Gleissner
Analyze literature through the lens of data and learn computational methods for the study of human cultures. Students will develop broadly applicable skills in data analysis and visualization and will have the opportunity to pursue their own research project in their language.
