SEELC Welcomes Dr. Sunnie Rucker-Chang

As a strong advocate for diversity in the field of Slavic and East European Studies, she has spoken widely on webinars during the pandemic to highlight the need for recruiting and mentoring a diverse student body. She has also recently been elected to a three-year term on the ASEEES (Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies) board and has co-edited a cluster on “The Politics of Race” in Slavic and East European Journal. Her 2021 co-authored article “A Moment of Reckoning: Transcending Bias, Engaging Race and Racial Formations in Slavic and East European Studies” demonstrates Dr. Rucker-Chang's central position in the national discussion around inclusive pedagogies. At DSEELC, Dr. Rucker-Chang will uphold our traditions of strong Balkan studies and will help attract new students to specialize in the region.
Welcome Dr. Rucker-Chang!