Congratulations Dr. Hope Wilson!
Congratulations to Dr. Hope Wilson for successfully defending her dissertation, Teaching language and culture through online ethnographic exploration, earlier this week! Her exam…
SEELC Collaborates with US Army Civil Affairs
The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures collaborated with the 412th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) for enhanced joint operations in Interpreter Training Workshop…
Dr. Larysa Stepanova Receives Multiple Grants
Congratulations to Dr. Stepanova, who for the second year in a row, has received an Undergraduate Recruitment Grant from the College of Arts and Sciences. This grant helps fund the annual High…
Congratulations Dr. Yuliya Buquoi!
Congratulations to Dr. Yuliya Buquoi for successfully defending her dissertation, Influences of Intergenerational Transmission of Autobiographical Memories on Identity Formation in First-…
Congratulations Dr. Izolda Wolski-Moskoff!
Congratulations to Dr. Izolda Wolski-Moskoff for successfully defending her dissertation, Case in Heritage Polish: A Cross-Generational Approach, earlier this week! Her exam committee…
Dr. Brian Joseph Presented with Festschrift at 2019 Naylor Lecture
RIght before the start of the 22nd Naylor Memorial Lecture, Dr. Brian Joseph (SEELC/Lingusitcs) was honored with a Festschrift on the 40th anniversay of his service at Ohio State. The …
Dr. Alisa Lin awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend
Dr. Alisa Lin has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, supporting her work on the book "Theatrical Consciousness: Actor and Self in Russian Modernism, 1898-1934."…
2019 K-12 Russian Language Olympiada
This past Saturday at The Ohio State University, thirty-seven students from Roy C. Start High School, the Russian Education Center Bookvarel, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, Toledo Technology…
Dr. Larysa Stepanova recognized by the Sphinx Senior Class Honorary and Mortar Board Senior Honor Society
Dr. Larysa Stepanova has been recognized by the Sphinx Senior Class Honorary and Mortar Board Senior Honor Society for her genuine interest in the educational development of students and for…